Sunday 11 July 2021

The Krishna Kamal

It's been cool and light showers all these months. Being monsoon season, one would like to chill around with hot snacks and tea.

What a pleasure to notice new green vegetables and cool springs around. A lot more pleasurable to see is, all different colourful flowers blooming.

I was amazed to see this gorgeous blue beauty blossomed. It's beauty and uniqueness made me eager to reasearch on the origin. I was stunned by knowing that, it has its origin of name during mythological time of Mahabharata.

Further to describe this beautiful flower, it has hundreds of blue petals for the Kauravas.

A round of five yellow petals in the middle, each one for Pandawas. The lighter yellow bulb in the middle which resembles the Draupadi. The three shoots resembles the Tridev of universe ie lord Shiv, Vishnu and Brahma. And the circular corona in the middle resembles the Sudarshan Chakra of lord Krishna.

It has a mention as the crown of thorns in the holy Christian books, since it resembles the sufferings of lord Jesus on the cross. It depicts the crown of thorns he wore during the crucifixion.

You can get this flower in pink or violet colour also. It's unique and really beautiful and a rare species. It has hundreds of blue petals with a corona in same colour or slightly lighter shade of petals in the middle. A set of five petals in the middle with three filaments protecting a yellowish bulb in the middle. 

It's really alluring.....look for yourself.....

(Risen from pain)

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